The Word Junk Food

The word junk food deals with a whole lot of resources that are being developed to produce fake foods that do not supply any nutritional value or energy to the human body. In our world we have millions of people who are starving, and it's not because of a lack of something to eat, but because of a lack of real nutritional sustenance. The word junk food means nothing to the authorities who are mostly concerned with additives and other added ingredients, but what about whether the product is necessary or has any health benefit? Suggesting we eat real meals is not in the interest of the marketing folks who are concerned with persuading us to eat an increasing amount of profitable money making products.

The word junk food has become a buzz word that does not mean anything to us anymore other than it's not a good product. I think we should be honest and replace the word junk food with "problem substance that may be eaten but is not real." And then we should list on the label "contains problem fats with very little nutritional benefit or in most cases none." It's true that "healthy" snacks don't contain high fructose corn syrup or white sugar, but they can still be loaded with sugars in disguise, such as turbinado, sucanat, and Florida sugar crystals. The latter are derived from sugarcane or beets, which are the same sources as refined sugars. Nestle points out that these products are just as high in calories without any added nutrition value.

And they can be much more expensive. For example, all natural Sundrops provide more calories and cholesterol per gram than their classic counterpart, M&M's. An oatmeal-raisin cookie by Alternative Baking Company, Inc., is cholesterol and egg free and made with organic unrefined cane sugar, but it still contains a whopping 480 calories and 18 grams of fat. It would probably be better to buy cookies sweetened with fruit juice that are lower in fat, such as Fabe's brand, which have 90 calories and only 4 grams of fat per serving. Choose oatmeal-raisin or peanut butter varieties for an extra nutrition kick, and buy one fresh bakery cookie instead of a box if portion control is a problem.

I find it hard to believe in the long run that fatty chips, pastries, and cakes are a source of real nourishment. And I am not even going to say a word at this time about the restaurants and their deep-fried products. Why not a high-fat nutritional product if it's fat you're looking for? Perhaps an avocado, nuts, seeds, eggs, along with good quality meats, cheese, yogurt or even fatty fish would be more suitable. So yeah, the word "junk food" is a real problem.

This starts to make a little bit of sense when we start to realize why Jesus Christ referred to himself as "the bread of life." Food must be eaten, digested, and assimilated to become part of our life that will give strength to our physical bodies. It is written that man shall not live by bread alone. Part of the reason this was written is because the Word of God is food for our spiritual life, and it operates along the same principle as our physical body that needs bread to sustain growth. The nourishment from food is a substance that does not come from within ourselves, but from without, because like the natural realm, the spiritual realm also needs a point of contact outside of the individual. We cannot live on our own feelings, experiences, or upon the sweetest words that come from within, which may excite, warm, or interest us, but cannot support, feed, or sustain our true spiritual growth.

In the new covenant, we are sanctified through the offering of the body of Jesus Christ, who entered into heaven itself to appear in the holy of holies, the sacred chamber of the heart of God's glorious presence for us. Jesus Christ is the promised seed and faithful High Priest, who fulfilled all the law, and is set between God and us because he is connected to both sides, and thereby he is able to work with God and with us. My mind boggles over God's heart of love, His compassion, and the tenderness to have Jesus Christ, who is the greatest food of all time, the bread of life, to establish a true and vital spiritual relationship between God and us.

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