Our Immune System Can Help

Our immune system can help because everyday it stands between us and death. Bacteria that have developed immunity to antibiotic drugs pose a large and growing threat to the success of modern medicine. The problem is our body is bombarded by millions of different invaders everyday and we rely on our body to support our health. Major medical institutions report that due to environmental trauma, stress, super bugs, poor nutrition, and other modern day conditions is how the body is losing its ability to protect us. The organisms we are exposed to and the amount of antibodies we produce against those specific organisms is changing because our bodies are not producing sufficient antibodies to handle these invaders.

Research scientist and medical experts agree that the key to staying well, and quite possible our survival is the enhancement of the immune system. It's our only natural defense against microscopic invaders including bacteria, viruses, fungi, molds, cancer, and many kinds of cell mutations. The whole world has been "breathlessly watching" and investing huge sums of money into the development of a technology that will assist our body in its efforts to protect us from the systemic effects of aging and disease.

There has been a growing attention to new and different types of viral infections over the last few years  and that includes flu viruses. West Nile Virus, SARS, influenza A and B, Coxsackie's Virus, and even Avian Flu are making people all over the world become anxious and start to ask "what does this mean for me and my family and how do we deal with it?" The body consists of a network of immune cells that send cellular messages to help the body fight infections and heal itself. This system is involved in every part of our body and its primary function is to protect us from invading microorganisms.

Our immune system can help because our body's response to viral infections differs depending on whether or not it has ever seen the specific pathogen before. For example, the first time our body identifies an organism as a possible threat is when it will establish a natural response (as long as our body is healthy.) Our immune system can help during these natural responses because it will not only eliminate the current threat, but also produces immune components specific to that organism and puts them into memory. This way our body is better prepared the next time it's invaded by this same pathogen.

We can apply "active immunity" in addition to our body's natural immunity through procedures like vaccinations, which stimulate an immune response to a specific pathogen in the vaccine. Like the natural response, vaccination helps the body get ready for that pathogen in case it's attacked again. It's the strength of our immune response, whether natural or active, that determines whether one will survive an infection or succumb to it. However, we can only rely on the response of our natural immune system when we are exposed to viruses or bacteria that have mutated or that our bodies have never seen before.

The problem with applying active immunity through procedures like vaccination is we cannot be certain we have the right vaccination for the anticipated viral attack. Even if we think we know what the virus is on any given day may not help us if it has mutated before it gets to us. Therefore, the only sure way of protecting ourselves is to ensure that our immune system is as strong and healthy as possible. Our body can better defend itself from pathogens when all of its parts are acting in a natural balance, and therefore working in a partnership with one another. Keeping our body in balance through exercise along with a nutritious diet and proper supplementation with products that work with the body to support and maintain a balanced immune system will go a long way towards dealing with viruses and other infections. So yeah our immune system can help.

This starts to make a little bit of sense when we start to realize why Jesus Christ referred to himself as "the bread of life." Food must be eaten, digested, and assimilated to become part of our life that will give strength to our physical bodies. It is written that man shall not live by bread alone. Part of the reason this was written is because the Word of God is food for our spiritual life, and it operates along the same principle as our physical body that needs bread to sustain growth. The nourishment from food is a substance that does not come from within ourselves, but from without, because like the natural realm, the spiritual realm also needs a point of contact outside of the individual. We cannot live on our own feelings, experiences, or upon the sweetest words that come from within, which may excite, warm, or interest us, but cannot support, feed, or sustain our true spiritual growth.

In the new covenant, we are sanctified through the offering of the body of Jesus Christ, who entered into heaven itself to appear in the holy of holies, the sacred chamber of the heart of God's glorious presence for us. Jesus Christ is the promised seed and faithful High Priest, who fulfilled all the law, and is set between God and us because he is connected to both sides, and thereby he is able to work with God and with us. My mind boggles over God's heart of love, His compassion, and the tenderness to have Jesus Christ, who is the greatest food of all time, the bread of life, to establish a true and vital spiritual relationship between God and us.

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