Tap Into The Subconscious

To break or change a habit we must tap into the subconscious portion of our mind because habits are controlled by the subconscious mind. And therefore to successfully free ourselves from the demands of any addiction it's necessary to harness the full powers of our mind. Why? Because it's indeed true that people have become what they are because of their dominating thoughts and desires. Why do we often hear so much talk that relates to how most people do not begin to live up to their full potential? One way to understand this is to think of ourselves as an eight cylinder car engine operating on only three cylinders instead of the full eight. Why is it that we often do not run on our full-throttle?

What is stopping us from being our best? Let's compare our thinking to a computer to begin to understand how the human brain works, which is extremely fast and powerful only when it has a set of instructions known as a program. The human subconscious mind is a lot like a computer program because it's within the human subconscious mind that more than ninety percent of our mental life is programmed. And most of this programming are habits that have been on the job from the time we were born up to the present where it has accepted and stored a wealth of information that we operate on very much like the operating system of any computer program.

What this so-called "programming" consists of is a vast storehouse of everything that's ever happened in our life. Everything we have ever felt from failures to successes, which does involve our emotions, habits, relationships, health, and even our financial condition. We are what we think, and that does not only refer to what we think, but it also applies to what we do not think. Often we are unaware that our subconscious mind exerts far more control over our life than we realize. It literally directs our reality because the subconscious mind contains no reasoning power of its own. It's not at all like the conscious mind that tends to be logical and objective. The subconscious mind accepts ideas implanted in it without question and then influences our life accordingly.

Present it with negative goals and it operates as a failure mechanism. Present it with success goals and it will work just as hard as a success mechanism. We can think of our subconscious mind as a machine or a computer program that we can control. Changing our life becomes a matter of changing our internal "programming" or the belief system in our inner mind. Negative subconscious beliefs can be changed by identifying the barriers and systematically removing them. We can break free from the reins of limited thinking and focus our mind on success. It is written that "as a man thinks in his heart, so is he."

To tap into the subconscious mind is how we can adopt a completely positive self-image and high self-esteem that will enable us to cleanse any negative self-beliefs from our subconscious mind. And this is how one can change an image to fit their goals, aspirations, and desires because any vivid image that we hold in our mind will eventually become a reality in our life. This is true because events or what other people do really have little to do with how we feel. Our emotions do not come from events or from what other people do or do not do. They come directly from our own thinking. Why? Because people are not disturbed by things, but by the view they take from them. In short, we only feel bad if we evaluate an event as being bad or sad. And so we can change how we react to circumstances in our life regardless of how difficult it may seem by changing our view of them.

We are not born with whatever subconscious mind we have, but rather it's acquired in several ways, and all of them relate to what we have used to build our mental structure. It's our blueprint that is responsible for making our life what it is today. This mental blueprint is our subconscious or inner mind because all our experiences depend on the nature of the mental building blocks we have used. We can build radiant health, success, and good fortune by the thoughts, beliefs, and attitudes we hold about ourselves in our subconscious mind. Our life is what our thoughts make it because our belief creates the actual fact. It's our innermost attitudes, beliefs, and thoughts that are responsible more than any other factor for success.

Mind talk is what we consciously think or say to our own mind and it can either bring us up or bring us down. Who we are, how we appear, how we feel, and even what we experience in life is directly related to our subconscious mind. What we say and think on a conscious level impacts the subconscious mind and over time becomes a part of our internal mind set. To break or change a habit we must tap into the subconscious portion of our mind because habits are controlled by the subconscious mind. And therefore to successfully free ourselves from the demands of any addiction it is necessary to harness the full powers of our mind. Why? Because it's indeed true that people have become what they are because of their dominating thoughts and desires. Even the following link deals with how to tap into the subconscious mind.

Click here for an in-depth look at how to walk by the spirit

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