The Good Doctor Knew

Dr. Robert H. Keller founded The Biodoron Institute of Advanced Medicine in 1994. At the time this was considered a state-of-the-art medical clinic specializing in cutting edge treatment for immune system disorders and anti-aging. The good doctor knew he found a trend after reviewing subject lab results for years that resulted in significantly low levels of uric acid in subjects with immune disorders. His initial research concluded that uric acid is the last antioxidant at the body's disposal when all the normal antioxidants have been exhausted. The good doctor knew that uric acid is the body's last defense. And that's when Dr. Keller began to search for what is the body's first defense.

His investigation led him to a substance called glutathione (that is employed by every organ in the human body) to be the most prevalent, powerful and multifunctional antioxidant. Glutathione (GSH) is a small protein produced naturally in our cells if the requisite precursors are present. Our glutathione level actually indicates our state of health and can predict longevity because it functions both as an antioxidant and an antitoxin and is a major defense system against illness and aging. There are over 60,000 medical articles currently published on GSH, and yet most health professionals have only a vague idea of its significance.

The good doctor knew he needed to test the hypothesis that the levels of GSH were severely diminished in subjects with immune disorders. He knew the test must measure GSH inside of the lymphocytes (activated cells) to get a current and accurate gauge of a subject's GSH level. And this is why along with his team of scientists he developed a proprietary lab test to measure levels of GSH inside the lymphocytes. The tests confirmed the hypothesis. People who are stressed, aging, lacking sleep, or with any prolonged illness utilize glutathione at an accelerated rate resulting in decreased bodily stores, weakened defenses, and increased risk of illnesses including accelerated aging.

The good doctor knew that the GSH levels needed to be replenished in these subjects. But how? Glutathione is produced naturally from three amino acids known as glycine, glutamine, and cysteine. These essential precursors of GSH must be able to make it from the mouth to the gut, and then through the cell walls and subsequently the mitochondrial membrane. Our digestive system is truly a marvel of God's handy work. Every hour a wonderful spectacular arrangement of many pipes and funnels are at work in perfect harmony as they usher our food through our body and distribute the nutrients where they need to go.

This fantastic complicated system runs on its own track and just motors along without even a conscious thought from us. However, in today's world is that enough? Are we eating real food and in the right amounts and from the right soil? Unfortunately, we can't raise our body's GSH level with ordinary foods or pure L-glutathione. Glutathione is present in many fruits, vegetables and meats, but this protein is instantly broken down during digestion into its three amino acids. Cysteine or N-acetylcysteine (NAC) is the most important of these precursors and is the main limiting factor necessary for the body to manufacture GSH. Alone in the gut after digestion, cysteine is treated as a free radical and rapidly oxidized, and therefore only a very small percentage reaches our bloodstream and cells.

The good doctor knew that glutathione is always in great demand and is rapidly consumed and so any GSH that is made will be used up quickly making it even more difficult to increase the level of glutathione in the body. So what Dr. Keller was able to do is develop a product that contains the necessary components of glutathione. It can help stimulate the body's own production of glutathione when this product is absorbed into the body and the good doctor believes that every cell in the human body can benefit from the increased levels of this very important antioxidant.

This starts to make a little bit of sense when we start to realize why Jesus Christ referred to himself as "the bread of life." Food must be eaten, digested, and assimilated to become part of our life that will give strength to our physical bodies. It is written that man shall not live by bread alone. Part of the reason this was written is because the Word of God is food for our spiritual life, and it operates along the same principle as our physical body that needs bread to sustain growth. The nourishment from food is a substance that does not come from within ourselves, but from without, because like the natural realm, the spiritual realm also needs a point of contact outside of the individual. We cannot live on our own feelings, experiences, or upon the sweetest words that come from within, which may excite, warm, or interest us, but cannot support, feed, or sustain our true spiritual growth.

In the new covenant, we are sanctified through the offering of the body of Jesus Christ, who entered into heaven itself to appear in the holy of holies, the sacred chamber of the heart of God's glorious presence for us. Jesus Christ is the promised seed and faithful High Priest, who fulfilled all the law, and is set between God and us because he is connected to both sides, and thereby he is able to work with God and with us. My mind boggles over God's heart of love, His compassion, and the tenderness to have Jesus Christ, who is the greatest food of all time, the bread of life, to establish a true and vital spiritual relationship between God and us.

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